Older female patient walking in a park with two children

I have a blood clot in a deep vein

FRAGMIN is used to treat blood clots that form in the deep veins of your body (deep vein thrombosis or DVT). It is very important that you follow your doctor’s directions on the use of FRAGMIN.

My FRAGMIN Treatment


FRAGMIN dosage is based on your body weight

  • If you lose or gain weight, you should advise your healthcare professional, as the dosage of FRAGMIN may need to be adjusted.

Each syringe you are prescribed contains the required amount of FRAGMIN for one injection.

My FRAGMIN Schedule

FRAGMIN is given once or twice daily by an injection under the skin for approximately 5 days.

  • Alternately, you may receive your dose by intravenous injection.

The rubber needle shield of the FRAGMIN prefilled syringe may contain latex. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist if you have had or currently have a hypersensitivity to latex (natural rubber).

Why did I develop a blood clot?

You may have a disease or condition that affects how your blood clots. Some examples are:

You may have had an injury to a vein. The most common causes are:

  • Accidents
  • Certain types of surgery

You may have had reduced blood flow. Some important causes are:

  • Restricted ability to move around due to illness
  • Obesity

However sometimes there is no obvious cause for the development of a blood clot.

Talk to your doctor to fully understand your personal risk factors.
